
Board Recruitment

Regional Leaders are invited to Join the Board

of the Urban Flood Safety & Water Quality District 

If you need alternative formats or languages to apply for a board position, please submit a request for accommodations by emailing us at or calling us at 971-940-6311.

Si necesita ayuda para enviar una solicitud de adaptaciones o necesita información en formatos o idiomas alternativos, envíenos un correo electrónico a o llámenos al 971-940-6311. 


For over 100 years, four drainage districts have managed the flood safety system along the Columbia River in northern Multnomah County.  On July 1, 2024, the Urban Flood Safety & Water Quality District (UFSWQD) took over management of this system, with an expanded mission to integrate equity, nature-based solutions, cultural history, and climate change preparedness into flood safety practices. 

The Opportunity: 

This UFSWQD is forming a 9-member Board of Directors to lead the strategic direction of the agency. This board will be comprised of five elected positions and four appointed positions, and terms will begin January 2025.  

  • Elected Positions: Four of the elected positions must have ties to the managed floodplain, and the remaining position may represent urban Multnomah County at large. For detailed information about the requirements for the elected positions please review the detailed Prospective Board Member Guide.

  • Governor Appointed Positions:  The Governor will appoint four additional positions that represent expertise or interest in flood safety, environmental conservation, environmental justice, and the Port of Portland. 

Time Commitment and Compensation

The time commitment is estimated to be 6-10 hours per month. This position is being considered for a monthly stipend of $400 and reimbursement of expenses related to travel and training.

Information Sessions  

Prospective candidates are encouraged to attend one of two online information sessions:

  • Thursday July 18th, 2024, from 6-7 pm. Watch the recording here.
  • Monday, August 19th, 2024, from 6-7pm.

A recording of the first session will be made available on the district’s website.  

Important Dates and Deadlines

  • First day for electoral candidates to file July 18, 2024.
  • Electoral candidates must file with the County by 5:00 PM August 27, 2024.
  • Prospective appointees must apply to the Governor by September 15, 2024.
  • Voters’ Pamphlet deadline is 5:00 PM August 29, 2024.
  • November 5, 2024 Election Day.
  • Governor appointments will be made by mid-November.
  • January 2025 swearing in and first board meeting.

Learn More 

If you are interested in learning more, please fill out this interest form.  You may also review the detailed Prospective Board Member Guide.   Contact Board Coordinator Wendy Lynn at or 971-710-2438 with any questions. 

The Flood Safety System: 

The flood safety system is made up of levees, floodwalls, pumps and pipes that help to protect a 20 square-mile area in northern Multnomah County from devastating floods. The flood-risk area includes residential neighborhoods and employment areas, including the Portland International Airport. Major floods in this area could cost lives, threaten our drinking water and environment, and affect thousands of jobs. This flood-risk area is referred to as the managed floodplain.  

The UFSWQD encompasses urban Multnomah County, defined as Multnomah County within the Urban Growth Boundary. Urban Multnomah County is the area that receives the greatest economic benefit from the flood safety system.