
UFSWQD Executive Session

The Urban Flood Safety & Water Quality District Board will convene in executive session at 12:30pm Dec. 19, 2022 via videoconference. The purpose is to consider information or records that are exempt from disclosure by law, including written advice from its attorney under ORS 192.660(2)(f)....

UFSWQD Work Session

This is a work session of the Urban Flood Safety and Water Quality District that takes place every month on the first Wednesday. Agenda and materials to follow. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 931 7790 0498 Passcode: 480449 One tap mobile +12532158782,,93177900498#,,,,*480449# US (Tacoma)...

UFSWQD Board Meeting

The UFSWQD meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month beginning. The agenda and meeting materials can be expected prior to the meeting and can be found in the document library.

UFSWQD Work Session

This is a work session of the Urban Flood Safety and Water Quality District that takes place every month on the first Wednesday. The agenda and meeting materials can be expected prior to the meeting and can be found in the document library.  

UFSWQD Board Meeting

The UFSWQD meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month. The agenda and meeting materials can be expected prior to the meeting and can be found in the document library.

UFSWQD Work Session and LRC IGA Board Meeting

The Levee Ready Columbia Intergovernmental Agreement Board will meet to consider the election of an LRC chair and vice-chair, and to vote on the FY 2023-24 budget. Following the LRC IGA meeting, there will be a work session of the Urban Flood Safety and Water...

UFSWQD Board Meeting and Budget Committee Meeting

UFSWQD Board & Budget Committee Meetings Public meetings of the Budget Committee and Board of the Urban Flood Safety & Water Quality District (UFSWQD) will convene via teleconference on March 16, 2023 from 1-3 pm for the purposes of receiving the Executive Director’s proposed budget...

Education & Engagement Work Group Meeting

This is a meeting of the Urban Flood Safety Education & Engagement Work Group. For more information, contact Aster Moulton, Public Affairs and Community Relations Specialist by email or 971-940-6311. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 918 2562 2319 Passcode: 526937 One tap mobile +14086380968,,91825622319#,,,,*526937# US...

Urban Flood Safety & Water Quality District Executive Session

The Urban Flood Safety & Water Quality District Board will convene in executive session at 10 am March 20, 2023 via videoconference. The purpose is to consider information or records that are exempt from disclosure by law, including written advice from its attorney under ORS...

UFSWQD Work Session

UFSWQD Board & Budget Committee Meetings Public meetings of the Budget Committee and Board of the Urban Flood Safety & Water Quality District (UFSWQD) will convene via teleconference from 1-3 pm April 5, 2023. The purpose of the meetings is to receive public comment on...