
PEN 1 Executive Session

The Board of Supervisors for Peninsula Drainage District #1 will meet Thursday Oct. 13, 2022 at 10:30 am via online conference. The board will convene in executive session to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to negotiate real property transactions under ORS...

October Joint Board Meeting – 4MAT

This is a meeting of the combined boards of the Multnomah County Drainage District, the Sandy Drainage Improvement Company, Peninsula Drainage District #1, Peninsula Drainage District #2. The agenda may be found here: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 972 3183 2941 Passcode: 265166...

MCDD Executive Session

The Board of the Multnomah County Drainage District will convene in executive session at 12pm Oct. 13, 2022 to discuss legal advice and attorney-client communication under ORS 40.225; ORS 192.355(9)(a); and 192.660(2)(f). Interested members of the press who would like to attend should contact Board...

UFSWQD Board Meeting

The UFSWQD meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month beginning. The agenda and meeting materials can be expected prior to the meeting and can be found in the document library. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 962 2181 0634 Passcode: 009469 Dial by your...

MCDD Board Meeting and Executive Session

The Board of the Multnomah County Drainage District will convene in executive session at 3pm Oct. 25, 2022 to discuss legal advice and attorney-client communication under ORS 40.225; ORS 192.355(9)(a); and 192.660(2)(f). Subsequently, the board may convene in public session. Interested persons who would like...

PEN2 Landowner Meeting – 2022

Join the Peninsula Drainage District #2 (PEN2) for its annual landowner meeting. This meeting gives landowners in the district the opportunity to participate in the management of the flood control systems that protect their property. Learn about our operations, projects and programs, and elect the board...

UFSWQD Board Work Session 1-4pm

This is a work session of the Urban Flood Safety and Water Quality District. Agenda and materials for review to follow. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 983 0314 8781 Passcode: 217350

UFSWQD Board Executive Session

The Urban Flood Safety & Water Quality District Board will convene in executive session during its 1-4pm Nov. 2, 2022 meeting via videoconference. The purpose is to consider information or records that are exempt from disclosure by law, including written advice from its attorney. ORS...

Cancelled – MCDD Executive Session

The Board of Supervisors for the Multnomah County Drainage District #1 will meet in executive session under ORS 192.660(2)(f) to consider  information or records that are exempt from disclosure by law, including written advice from its attorney. Interested members of the press wanting to attend...

PEN1 Board Meeting

Please hold this day and time for a PEN1 Board meeting. An agenda and meeting materials will be distributed prior to the meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 948 9215 8941 Passcode: 783943 One tap mobile +16694449171,,94892158941#,,,,*783943# US +16699006833,,94892158941#,,,,*783943# US (San Jose) Dial by...