THIS IS A TEST Multnomah County Drainage District Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 1880 NE Elrod Drive Portland, OR 97211 503.281.5675 503.281.0392 (fax) Multnomah County Drainage District helps protect lives and property from flooding by operating and maintaining stormwater and flood...
Hello MCDD board members, Please hold this date and time for the March board meeting. Call-in information can be found below, and you can expect materials prior to the meeting. Best, Emily Stumpf Call In Instructions: Join Zoom Meeting One tap mobile +14086380968,,898236686# US...
MCDD Board Members: Please hold this date and time for the March board meeting, extended an hour to cover additional presentations and discussion items. Call-in information can be found below. Please expect an updated agenda and materials in the next day. Call-In Instructions: Join Zoom...