
UFSWQD Board Meeting

The UFSWQD meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month. The agenda and meeting materials can be expected prior to the meeting and can be found in the document library. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 914 0831 9738 Passcode: 050756 One tap mobile +16699006833,,91408319738#,,,,*050756#...

UFSWQD Work Session

This is a work session of the Urban Flood Safety and Water Quality District that takes place every month on the first Wednesday. Agenda and materials will be published in the document library linked here.

UFSWQD Board Meeting

The UFSWQD meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month. The agenda and meeting materials can be expected prior to the meeting and can be found in the document library. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 914 0831 9738 Passcode: 050756 One tap mobile +16699006833,,91408319738#,,,,*050756#...

UFSWQD Work Session

This is a work session of the Urban Flood Safety and Water Quality District that takes place every month on the first Wednesday. Agenda and materials will be published in the document library linked here.

UFSWQD Board Meeting

The UFSWQD meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month. The agenda and meeting materials can be expected prior to the meeting and can be found in the document library. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 914 0831 9738 Passcode: 050756 One tap mobile +16699006833,,91408319738#,,,,*050756#...

UFSWQD Work Session

This is a work session of the Urban Flood Safety and Water Quality District that takes place every month on the first Wednesday. Agenda and materials will be published in the document library linked here.

UFSWQD Board Meeting

The UFSWQD meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month. The agenda and meeting materials can be expected prior to the meeting and can be found in the document library. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 914 0831 9738 Passcode: 050756 One tap mobile +16699006833,,91408319738#,,,,*050756#...

UFSWQD Work Session

This is a work session of the Urban Flood Safety and Water Quality District that takes place every month on the first Wednesday. Agenda and materials will be published in the document library linked here.

UFSWQD Board Meeting

The UFSWQD meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month. The agenda and meeting materials can be expected prior to the meeting and can be found in the document library. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 914 0831 9738 Passcode: 050756 One tap mobile +16699006833,,91408319738#,,,,*050756#...