

Columbia Slough side of MCDD's Pump Station #1

Pump Station #1 Seismic Stability Analysis

Project Description MCDD’s Pump Station 1 (PS1), built in 1949, is located within the managed floodplain along the Columbia River and Columbia Slough. This pump station plays a critical role as a part of the region’s network of levees, pump stations, and other flood safety infrastructure as it reduces flood risk by removing stormwater from Multnomah County Drainage District’s 8,590 acres, which includes a mix of industrial, commercial, and industrial areas within Portland, Fairview, and...

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Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan

Annexing on to the Multnomah County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan

Project Description PEN 1, PEN 2, MCDD, SDIC, and the UFSWQD are working to annex into the FEMA-approved Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (NHMP) created by Multnomah County, City of Gresham, City of Troutdale, City of Fairview, and City of Wood Village. Originally authorized in 2017, this plan is currently being renewed with the intention of spanning from the fall of 2022 to the fall...

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Working Together for a Resilient Columbia Slough

Project Description The 2021 Report, Working Together for a Resilient Columbia Slough: Identifying Shared Environmental Goals and Opportunities for Joint Action, was created for non-profits, community groups, and government agencies to identify shared priorities for the natural environment in the Columbia Slough watershed.  Read the full report, or the two-page summary. The report proposes a set of goals and opportunities for collaborative environmental improvement, developed through interviews with 22 organization representing stakeholders, community members, and...

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Pump Station #1 Trash Rakes Replacement

Project Description Trash rakes are key infrastructure that help to reduce flooding behind the levee system by removing debris and waste from the Columbia Slough before it enters our pump stations. The existing trash rake system at the MCDD campus was installed outside of Pump Station #1 (PS1) in 1998 and has reached the end of its service life. Frequent equipment failures cause these raking systems to shut down during heavy rainstorms, which often causes our...

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