

Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan

Annexing on to the Multnomah County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan

Project Description PEN 1, PEN 2, MCDD, SDIC, and the UFSWQD are working to annex into the FEMA-approved Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (NHMP) created by Multnomah County, City of Gresham, City of Troutdale, City of Fairview, and City of Wood Village. Originally authorized in 2017, this plan is currently being renewed with the intention of spanning from the fall of 2022 to the fall...

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NE 13th Ave and South Shore Rd Pipe Replacement Project

Project Description A pipe connecting a ditch located to the north of NE South Shore Road has been clogged for many years. This pipe drains to the NE 13th Avenue drainage system, which consists of roadway ditches and driveway culverts. The clogged pipe has resulted in flooding of private properties in the vicinity of the pipe. The Peninsula Drainage District #2 (PEN2) Board of Supervisors instructed MCDD staff to conduct temporary pumping into the drainage system between NE South Shore and Faloma roads beginning in the winter of 2015...

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NE 13th Ave Pump Station: Discharge Line Rehabilitation

Project Description There are two discharge lines (a section of piping systems) from the 13th Avenue Pump Station that feed into the Columbia Slough. The goal of this project is to extend the useful life and reliability of the discharge lines for approximately 10 more years. The discharge lines have visual inflections (bends or structural flaws) and the slope supporting the pipes has eroded into the lower Columbia Slough which requires stabilization and reconstruction to support...

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