
PEN 1 Drainage & Water Quality Master Plan


Completed, PEN1

PEN 1 Drainage & Water Quality Master Plan

Project Description

The Peninsula Drainage District #1 (PEN1) manages a network of levees, pump stations, culverts, and drainage ditches that reduce the risk of flooding for the region. PEN1’s mission is to enhance community safety and support the region’s vitality by reducing flood risk, maintaining our levee system, managing drainage, and responding to emergencies.


The PEN 1 Drainage and Water Quality Master Plan (DWQMP), developed in partnership with the City of Portland, Bureau of Environmental Services, evaluated the pipes, drainage ditches and pump stations that collect and direct rain water to reduce flooding, identified areas that need improvement, and prioritized future investments to better manage flooding. This plan also included recommendations related to water quality and habitat improvements in the PEN 1 boundaries.


Management and improvements to the levee system were included in this planning effort. For more information on levee management, please visit

Read the Executive Summary Here
Read the Full Report Here

Project Timeline

  • Project Kick-off  – Summer 2021
  • Collect data and analyze drainage system functions – Summer 2021
  • Develop project alternatives and set priorities – Fall 2021
  • Prepare draft master plan – Winter 2021
  • Final master plan delivered – Summer 2022
  • PEN1 Board adopted master plan – Fall 2022


The DWQMP helps PEN 1 plan and prioritize future drainage improvements so that we can best meet the drainage and flood management needs of landowners.

For questions or comments on this project, please contact the Project Manager, Mackenna Bell at


July 2, 2021

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