
Working Together for a Resilient Columbia Slough


Completed, MCDD

Working Together for a Resilient Columbia Slough

Project Description

The 2021 Report, Working Together for a Resilient Columbia Slough: Identifying Shared Environmental Goals and Opportunities for Joint Action, was created for non-profits, community groups, and government agencies to identify shared priorities for the natural environment in the Columbia Slough watershed.  Read the full report, or the two-page summary.


The report proposes a set of goals and opportunities for collaborative environmental improvement, developed through interviews with 22 organization representing stakeholders, community members, and agency partners across the Slough.


The Columbia Slough Watershed Goals & Opportunities Project aims to collect and synthesize long-term goals for the Columbia Slough Watershed from those doing work to improve the environmental conditions in the Columbia River Slough for people and wildlife.


At MCDD, we look for ways to reduce our impact on the environment and support a healthy watershed for fish, wildlife, and people within our work to manage critical flood infrastructure. The results of this report will help us prioritize resources within our environmental program, and inform the development of an Urban Flood Safety and Water Quality District.

Project Partners

This project was facilitated by Willamette Partnership and led jointly by:

Project Manager


Carrie Sannemen, Environmental Program Manager,

The Columbia Slough is a 19-mile channel running parallel to the Columbia River, intersected by 30+ miles of streams, wetlands, and other waterways.

Cover photo from annual festival, Regatta, on August 11th, 2019 - Columbia Slough Watershed Council.

February 4, 2021

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