
Sponsorship Program

The Urban Flood Safety & Water Quality District works to reduce flood risk and prepare for and respond to flood emergencies by maintaining levees, conveying water, and finding innovative and nature-based ways to live with more water around us, while supporting community safety and the region’s economic vitality, contributing to the health of the river and watershed, planning for a more climate resilient future, and promoting equity in all we do.  Our investments and preparedness support the region’s economic, environmental, recreational, and community needs.

Sponsorship Program

As an agency, we emphasize collaboration, prioritize partnership building, and work to advance equity. To advance our mission and support the needs of the community, the Urban Flood Safety & Water Quality District has small budget each year to support local non-profit organizations doing important and related work in the community.

Small sponsorships are available to organizations that have projects that align with the organization’s mission, vision & values.

If you have a project, program or event that meets our goals, please apply for a Sponsorship for up to $10,000! Please view our criteria to learn more about how applications are scored. We will respond with a decision within 3 weeks of when we receive an application.

Organizations are welcome to submit applications for more than one project or event per fiscal year. However, if an organization has already received a sponsorship earlier in the year, a subsequent application will be less competitive than applications from organizations who have not previously been awarded a sponsorship in that fiscal year.

The following types of organizations are eligible to apply:

  1. Non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations
  2. Non-profit groups without 501(c)(3) status (for example, community groups, neighborhood groups, etc.) with a fiscal sponsor
  3. Educational institutions
  4. Native American tribes

If you have any questions about our Sponsorship Program, please contact

Please let us know if you need the application in a different format.

Conflict of Interest Policy: 

If you are a District Board member or staff as well as a representative of an organization that wishes to apply for sponsorship funding, we ask that someone else in your organization submit a sponsorship application.  This will help eliminate any appearance of a conflict of interest.